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Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Mary and her Merry Christmas

This year I had the honor of singing at my church on Christmas morning.  {Side note- I *LOVE* to sing, but I *very much dislike* singing in-front of others.}  The song that I chose to sing was new to me, I had never heard it before this Christmas season.  The moment that it came on the radio, without even hearing a word, just the music, I already felt the {Holy Spirit} filling me up. (If you've never felt the Holy Spirit's presence, I encourage you to pray right now and ask God to bless you with His nearness.  There is NOTHING on this earth that compares.  Nothing.) 

The name of the song is 'Your Here', originally recorded by Francesca Batestelli.  As you begin listening to the song, you quickly realize that it is sung from the perspective of Mary, Jesus' mother.  I'm not sure if this song touched me so deeply because I currently have my own little baby in the home {Lucy Pea}, or if it was just God's touch.  But, for the 3 or 4 minutes that the song lasts, all I can think about is what it must have been like to hold baby Jesus in my arms.  The feeling I get when I have Lucy all snuggled in my arms is indescribable, so just imagine what holding Jesus had to feel like!  Whoa!

Every year we take extra special care to remember and remind ourselves and our kids why exactly we celebrate the special day.  This year, because of this song, it was extra special to me.  God, who created us, loved us enough to send His Son.  Even after we continue to screw up, time and time again.  Whoa, again! 

I hope during the craziness of the season, you were able to take a few moments to reflect on why we celebrate the very special day of Christmas.  If not, it's never too the video that played while I sang at church and listen to the special message that Francesca so graciously brought to us through this beautiful song.  And I hope and pray that you had a very Merry Christmas!

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