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Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Family pictures

Christmas is literally right around the corner!  And you know what that means....time for Christmas pictures/cards.  Our photographer, Kristan McIntosh of GKB Photography is incredible. I love, love, love, love her. Family pictures {to a mom}mean picking out outfits that aren't too matchy-matchy, figuring out where to have them taken and who will take them {easy for me, I'm never letting this lady go}!  This was also the first time I would be wearing skinny jeans and boots in public....I was terrified!  But, Kristan assured me that she would crop some sexy legs in for me if need be....<3 her.  Sheesh, sometimes I wish I was a kid again and could just show up and smile!

 Well, our picture day came and with it, so did the rain.  Blah.  That is not a good sign for hair, dangit, not to mention the more important fact that I didn't want our children in the freezing cold rain.  We rescheduled for a week later because we weren't sure where to go and wouldn't you know a week later it was STILL raining!  (Shouldn't we be having snow now?!)  Kristan assured me that she could pull it off, so even though I was bummed about the weather, when I got the pictures back, I couldn't have been more pleased!

Every time I look at the pictures that she has captured for us over the past year, I squeal with delight! So without further ado, here are my favorites...

I'm supposed to pick one for a Christmas card, but how the heck am I to do that??  I think this years card may just be a collage :)  Happy Christmas Pictures to all of you out there who have yet to do it!

1 comment:

  1. The rain can't stop you from capturing beautiful moments with your family! Great family pictures!
    Newest follower :)
