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Saturday, December 10, 2011

Snack time!

Yesterday I was surfing the internet when I ran into a yummo looking snack that, for all intensive purposes, I will call healthy!  After all, it involves a banana {fruit!}, peanut butter {protein!}, and chocolate {just pure love!}.   And that is it.  Just those three ingredients and my family LOVED them!!

 Easy peasy!  Try it out!
Gather your bananas, chocolate, and peanut butter...

Slice the bananas and add a small {blop} of peanut butter atop them.

Place them in the freezer no longer than 15 or twenty minutes. 
Melt your chocolate in the microwave or using a double broiler on the stove stop so that you avoid burning your chocolate.  You will know if you ruined your chocolate if there are lumps that will not melt. {As I have burned chocolate many times}  I recommend stirring atleast every 15 seconds.

Remove from the freezer and dip them in and viola! I like the bananas softer, so I will store them in the fridge, but if you like the cold, frozen banana better, they can be stored in the freezer.

They were SO yummy!  I say "were" because they did not last long!  Between my husband, myself, and my 4 year old son, we were popping them in like they were m&m's. And like I said, you could SO get away with calling them healthy!



  1. These look so delicious!!!! I will definitely be trying these as soon as I pick up some chocolate. We always have PB and bananas around here. Thanks for the awesome idea!!! :o)
