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Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Organization is key!

I scored this wonderful idea on pinterest a few months ago and before I had a chance to recreate it, one of my work buddies did, Amy, and she kept telling me how CUTE it turned out! So, after saving a few empty boxes of diapers and grabbing a few yards of burlap from Walmart, I began! I had originally intended on using the boxes in Lucy's room for her shoes and hair bows, etc.  But, while working on the boxes in the living room, I found an area of greater need.....the dvd storage area... {GASP} Warning: What you are about to see is no joke.  I may appear put together, but there are some areas of my house/life that are pure chaos...And believe me, the only reason I am showing you this, is because I am SO pleased with how it turned out in the end =)

 ---{ What you need }---
Empty boxes - [diaper boxes work the best]
Hot glue gun
1 yard of Burlap per box 
Thick ribbon of any color

Lay the box out in the middle of your yard of burlap. Start with one side of the box and fold the Burlap over after applying hot glue to the inside of the box.  Rub your hand over the burlap to press it evenly into the hot glue.  {NOTE: if you have baby smooth/sensitive hands, use something else to press the burlap into the hot glue.  It didn't bother my hands at all}

{My cute little helper}

Glue each side separately and pull the sides tight before pressing them against the hot glue.
Repeat with as many boxes as you have or need!

And before you know it, {VIOLA!}

I added ribbon and LOVED it even more, unfortunatly, I ran out after the first one, so off to the store I go!

{Word to the wise...paint the end of your boxes with black or white paint prior to wrapping them!  I did not do this and although mine was a faster process, you can just barely see the Diaper print under the burlap.  The pictures make it much more obvious than it really is, and once you add the bow, it will cover it even more.  BUT, to avoid this, just take a few extra minutes and paint them :)}

Love, love, love me some organization!!