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Friday, July 20, 2012

Someone's garbage...MY treasure!

Who doesn't love to repurpose something?! 
I was at my in-laws house a month or so ago and I saw this old, yucky frame laying around near their barn. It was headed for the dump.  I asked her for it, and {SCORE!}, she said it was all mine, she had no use for it!  I wasn't quite sure what I wanted to do with it, but I knew it would look cute somewhere.  Through the dirt and cracked paint, I could see something awesome...

Here, Noah and Lucy are modeling the frame before I painted it!

Normally, I would sand it to make it nice and smooth and so the paint would adhere better, but I was not only lazy, but too excited to take the extra step.  Plus I liked the idea that the frame would look a little rustic with some bumps and ridges. 

I found some left over spray paint in my garage that happened to be the same EXACT color as my bedroom, {SCORE, again!}  I wiped the frame down and covered it with a few coats of spray paint.  After letting it dry over night, came the task of trying to figure out what the heck it was going to frame :)

I love Etsy.  Who doesn't?  I also have a fairly new obsession with wall decals.  I bought one for Lucy's nursery and have been so pleased with the way it looks. I always knew I wanted another one, but what would it say and where would I put it??  I love Bible verses, Ok, yeah, I'll do a Bible verse.  But then I couldn't pick just {one}. Plus I have more than a half a dozen scripture pictures through-out my home.  So I started searching "marriage wall decals".  And I found {the one}.  I ordered it in brown to match my bedroom decor.  I was giddy with excitement.  So you can imagine how pumped I was when 2 days after I ordered it, I opened my mailbox and it was there!!

It came with great directions on how to apply it to the wall and within about 15 min, my project was complete!   

We hung it right above our bed.
He really is my BEST friend.

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