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Saturday, February 4, 2012

My second love...

God, then Adam. I couldn't survive a day without Adam.  From the moment I wake up, if I work he helps me get out the door.  If I don't, he kisses me goodbye on my forehead and makes sure I know how much he loves me before he heads off to work.  He provides for us.  And I don't just mean he helps pay the bills.  He wants to make sure that we are comfortable and he will forfeit anything that he wants to make sure I have EVERYTHING I want first.  Really. 

The love that he has for our children, well, there is not even another guy that compares to him.  He takes being a father seriously and makes sure that they laugh and feel his love every. single. day.  He goes from being rough outside to rubbing their backs until they fall asleep.  He stares at them for so long each night that I literally have to drag him to bed.  He tears up when we look back at old pictures of them and would snuggle them until they pry themselves away.  Sometimes I even tease him about him loving the kids more than me, but I wouldn't have it any other way.

It sounds absurd.  People think "awe, how sweet", but I sense their doubt when I tell them the story.  But I prayed for Adam.  Well, not specifically for him.  Here's how it went {down}.  Adam had caught my eye several times at church throughout the years, but he was always quiet and never came to any of the church events aside from Sunday morning worship.  I invited him to youth one day and for some crazy reason he came.  I seriously was {love struck!} 

By the beginning of my freshman year of high school, I had a major crush on Adam. But he did not feel the same.  Being the gentlemen he was, he graciously returned my friendship, but I could tell he wasn't interested in anything more.  Especially when he was always interested in one of my friends {annoying!}  Lucky for me, the other girls thought he was cute and would go out with him, but they never progressed to more than a first or second date.  When I turned 15, towards the end of my freshman year, my parents bought me a teen study Bible that I would dive deep into each night.  Over the course of that school year I "dated" (used very lightly) several boys.  I never got incredible feelings for any of them. 

But one night, {and I truly remember it as though it was yesterday} as I was reading my Bible, it was brought to my attention that if I gave it all {my life} to God, He would ultimately give me what was best for me.  I needed to hand over the reigns.  I prayed that night that God would prepare the perfect guy for me.  I remember telling God, 'he doesn't even have to be cute as long as he is the one that YOU pick for me, I know it will be the best'.  And with that a whirlwind started. 

It was then that I decided to stop pursuing guys, especially Adam.  And within weeks, no exaggeration, he was calling me, writing me notes, and even holding my hand {sigh}! 

Now, thinking back 13 years ago, I love how honest I was with God.  I love how my heart was so willing to trust Him, knowing He would choose better than I could.  It's an incredible feeling knowing that I married the man God intended for me.  We are not perfect, we have our share of disagreements, silent treatments, and frustrations, but at the end of the day, my mind doesn't go to 'what if', it goes to God and thanks Him for the man I was given.

I could go on and on about how wonderful he is how he cleans the house, does laundry, and helps with dinners, all without me asking for help.  He really is awesome.  As we celebrate his 30th birthday this weekend, I am so thrilled to be by his side.  I pray that we have many, many more years to come and many more awesome memories to make. Thank you God for {my} Adam.

Last August, celebrating our 7th Anniversary!

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