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Tuesday, September 25, 2012

E is for Effort

·        What are some great memories you have of dating or early married years?
Ex. Things you did, places you went…etc.
·        Do you still do those things today, now?

Marriage takes a lot of effort on both parties.  Just like getting good grades at school or good reviews at work do.  We can’t expect to have the perfect marriage if we come home from our day jobs and do nothing but veg out on the couch or put all of our focus on the house and the kids. 
    Everyone has needs, but some are of greater importance to woman than they are men- and vice versa.  I think it's important to TALK to each other and find out what needs are most important to each other.
    Read Ephesians 5:21-33.  Go ahead.  If you don't have a bible, google the passage and read it.

    Focus on 5:33.  What are husbands told to do?  "Each man must love his wife as he loves himself..."  What are wives told to do? "And the wife must respect her husband."  What are some practical ways you can demonstrate these respective attitudes toward your spouse?  Serve them dinner before you sit down;  Listen first instead of spouting off your opinion; Never talk bad about your husband in front of anyone!

        We’ve all discussed how banging pots in the kitchen doesn’t mean we are clumsy, but that we are mad or want help….but we need to learn that marriage doesn’t come with free translators…. 
Instead of taking the time being angry, just talk.  I don't know about you, but I am one tired wife and mom and being angry just sucks more energy and life out of you, so just don't do it.  TALK.
      It’s not all going to be peaches and cream…Remember in school…to get a good grade it took real effort.  I remember passing algebra 1 with a C, because I put little to know effort into it.  It cost me scholarship money in the long run.  We can just get by doing the bare minimum, but then you can only expect to get bare minimum results….an OK marriage.  Who wants to spend the rest of their life with someone who is only putting forth minimum effort??
    What can we do this week to really put forth effort in our marriage and relationship with our spouse?  My challenge to you is to go out of your way this week to do something special for your spouse.  It doesn't have to cost a lot of money.  For example, my husband loves to hunt and needs bow hunting supplies; however those are expensive and I don't know what the heck I would be buying.  SO, instead I will meet another need by making his favorite dinner and dessert or sending a flirty text message, or giving him an extra long hug in the morning before he leaves...
How can we make it a permanent change?  God calls us to put others first.  Make it a priority to think about your husband before you sit down on the couch and get too comfy at night.  You will only benefit from putting others first, especially your husband.  Because, inevitably, he will begin to notice and return the favor.

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Easy Apple Dessert = Perfect For the Fall!

My family loves apples....and right now, because of some great deals I'm involved in, I have more apples than I know what to do with!  So, I decided to branch out and try something new!  This really couldn't be easier.  I saw this in one of my Kraft recipe magazines and tweaked it a little. 
What you need:
3 thinly sliced apples {with or without skin}
1 refrigerated pie crust
4 oz cream cheese
2 tsp cinnamon
1/4 cup sugar
2 tbs flour
A slice of butter

Roll out your pie crust and place it in the pie pan.  Spoon the cream cheese all over the bottom of the pie crust. 

Once you slice your apples, mix the cinnamon sugar combination as well as the flour with them. 

Spoon the apple mixture over the cream cheese and neatly and gently press the sides of the pie crust up and around the apples as though it is hugging them!  Sprinkle on a bit more of the cinnamon sugar mixture on the apples and crust and bake for 25 minutes.

 Once it comes out, I usually spread a little butter on the top while it's still very warm to give it a glistening look and yummy buttery, flakey taste!

  Slice it up and serve it with Cool whip and maybe a spoonful of vanilla icecream!

Hope you love it as much as my family did! 
Not only will your belly be full, but your house will smell amazing too!