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Monday, November 7, 2011

Hosanna in the highest!

This morning I was singing random songs to my 9 month old and one particular song popped into my head.  'Hosanna' by Hillsong United.  What started out as me singing to my daughter ended up as a mini worship session in my living room with Hillsong singing it courtesy of Youtube.  I love this song!  I first heard it over the summer while I was on a youth trip in South Carolina. 

As the morning has gone on, I have thought more and more about the meaning of the word Hosanna.  So what does every one my age do when they have a question...GOOGLE it :)  According to Wikipedia,
"Hosanna" (Greek transcription: ὡσαννά, hōsanna) is the cry of praise or adoration shouted in recognition of the Messiahship of Jesus on his entry into Jerusalem, Hosanna! Blessed is the one who comes in the name of the Lord!
My train of thought didn't stop there.  I began to wonder 'what would've been my response to seeing Jesus coming to Jerusalem?'  I'd like to think I would have been one that was cutting branches and laying them across the road ahead of Him while shouting Hosanna!  The cool thing about this passage in Matthew 21 is that people are recognizing Jesus for who He really is and beginning to worship Him. 

I encourage you to do this on a daily basis.  Worship Him.  That seems like a pretty heavy word, and it is, but instead of just reading a passage from your Bible and saying a 2 minute prayer, I urge you to really worship Him.  After all, He has given us life.  The very least we can do is offer our worship and to adore Him daily.

Oh and check out the link to Hosanna on Youtube!
I will have this song stuck in my head for atleast the next week...enjoy!

1 comment:

  1. Yay!! You started your blog :) And I'm your first follower! I love you!
